Tuesday 24 April 2007

Hells Bells it's the Book of Kells

After dragging ourselves out of bed this morning we went and saw the famous old book in Trinity College. It was a late night, as we had to celebrate my victory ( I won the Literary Pub Quiz). After having already drank at least a half pint at each stop along the crawl, we headed to the Octagon Bar in The Clarence Hotel, which is owned by Bono. The bar was a little bit high class for my half drunk ass so we continued on our merry way to the closest spot with live music where after a little more drink and a lot more courage I felt compelled to lead the bar in Bon Jovi's, "Livin' on a Prayer." The rest of the night was a fun adventure for the Cartoon Drunk and Dancing Maniac (they are one and the same), which ended up in a conversation with the Kenyan Burger King security guard and trying to buy a bottle of water from the only grocery store in Dublin protected by a live poisonous snake.

But, seriously the Book of Kells was bitchin!

1 comment:

Sissaroo said...

I have been contemplating the case of the snake guarding the corner store. I am puzzled because I thought that St. Patrick cleared the Emerald Isle of all these slithering reptiles. I guess he missed a spot.